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In NSW, royalty is payable for coal, petroleum and certain minerals.

Royalties banner

Royalties are a key revenue source for the NSW Government. In 2022-23, coal provided about $4.5 billion in royalty and minerals and petroleum provided about $164 million. 

Royalties go into consolidated revenue for allocation through the budget process. 

Royalty rates

Value-based royalty

Value-based royalty is charged as a percentage of assessable revenue less allowable deductions. 

    Royalty rate
Petroleum Onshore and offshore 10%
Coal (from July 1 2024) Open cut coal 10.8%
  Underground coal 9.8%
  Deep underground coal 8.8%


4% royalty rate    
Agate Gold Rare earth minerals
Antimony Graphite Rhodonite
Apatite Ilmenite Rubidium
Arsenic Indium Ruby
Asbestos Iron minerals Rutile
Beryllium minerals Jade Sapphire
Bismuth Lead Scandium and its ores
Cadmium Leucoxene Selenium
Caesium Lithium Silver
Chalcedony Manganese Strontium minerals
Chromite Marine aggregate Sulphur       
Cobalt Mercury Tantalum
Copper Molybdenite Thorium
Corundum Monazite Tin
Cryolite Nephrite Topaz
Diamond Nickel Tourmaline
Emerald Niobium Tungsten and its ores
Emery Oil shale Turquoise
Galena Ores of silicon Vanadium
Garnet Platinum Zinc
Geothermal substances Platinum group minerals Zirco
Germanium Quartz crystal Zirconia

Fixed-rate royalty

35 cents a tonne    
Agricultural lime Chert Gypsum
Bauxite Clay/shale Structural clay
40 cents a tonne    
Calcite Halite (incl. solar salt) Magnesium salts
Dolomite Limestone Potassium salts
    Sodium salts
70 cents a tonne    
Barite Magnesite Pyrophyllite
Bentonite (including Fuller's Earth) Marble Quartzite
Borates Mica Reef quartz
Chlorite Mineral pigments Serpentine
Diatomite Olivine Sillimanate-group minerals
Dimension stone Peat Staurolite
Feldspathic materials Perlite Talc
Fluorite Phosphates Vermiculite
Kaolin Potassium minerals Wollastonite

Paying royalties

View information on paying royalties